10 Awesome Designed And Coded Tailwind CSS Templates

6 min readMar 14, 2022


As a marketer, you know that visual content is key to engaging your audience. And as a business owner, you know the importance of branding your business in a way that resonates with your customers. So how can you create visuals that are both on-brand and effective? One great way to achieve this is by using pre-designed and coded tailwind CSS templates.

This templates collection of images, textures, and colors represents the look and feel of your brand. They can be used to create your website or web applications.

Tailwind CSS Templates

This template has an inbuilt CSS framework that gives you ready-made widgets that are required for building customization for user interface without having knowledge of coding.

For example, React JS comes with multiple pre-built components which assist you on quickly it might help you easily and quickly but it is a bit of pain in the as* then compared to Tailwind in customization.

Tailwind CSS Template does not swing like that and the reason is that it provides features that can be utilized for customizing designs without exiting HTML. And that’s why I’ve done R&D according to the demands of users and came up with 10 gorgeously Designed and cleanly coded Tailwind CSS Templates.

Below are the Tailwind CSS Templates

1) HopeUI — Tailwind CSS Admin Template Free

HopeUI is a versatile, highly responsive Tailwind CSS admin template that comes jam-packed with features and design solutions to help developers & designers ease their workload for front-end and not only for entrepreneurs can also manage their business activities more effectively.

This admin template is designed to be adaptive and also provides features with the freedom to customize the UI components and pages to fit according to their requirement. With its user-friendly interface and countless amount of features. Hope UITailwind CSS admin template makes it all easy for the front-end of website and web applications.

  • 3 Modes : Light, Dark and RTL
  • 100+ elements
  • 420+ Components
  • 40+ Menu Styles
  • Highly Animated Icons

Why am I Considering Hope UI at Hierarchy?

Creating an admin panel from scratch or using any available template can be both time-consuming and frustrating. That’s why we decided to create the HopeUI Tailwind CSS Admin Template.

A responsive and production-ready template that you can use to quickly launch an efficient and resourceful admin panel for your business website or web applications With a cleanly coded and also documented, mobile-friendly design, this template will help you in keeping your data and information appropriately.

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2) Open PRO

This landing page template comes with a dark layout and a clean user interface. Which is an ideal solution for different kinds of SaaS and app websites. The template also has limited multiple pages and components which can be utilized for a high range of projects.

It has limited components, and the same as well is available in different limited versions.

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3) Midone

Midone is a unique admin dashboard template that offers a number of practical and fully responsive pages and components. This template is designed specifically to fit on various devices, from small to large screens, making it the perfect choice for your next admin application project. With modular CSS code, file manager applications, and many more.

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4) D-board

D-board is an exceptional and elegant dashboard template built on top of Redux, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. It includes over 100 elements and several reusable widgets to help you build your next Tailwind project or web application. Light and dark versions, Automatic code-splitting, 2 layouts, and 100+ elements.

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5) SaasFolio

If you’re looking to create a high-converting landing page for your SaaS product or startup, SaasFolio is the perfect resource for you. Our template is designed to help you convert more visitors into customers, thanks to its strong sales copy and content hierarchy. Plus, our well-written copy will help you craft a powerful message that converts!

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6) Vue Tailwind Admin

With Vue Tailwind Admin you get a free admin theme that looks fresh and stylish, with a layout that’s inspired by the latest design trends. Our user interface is clean and easy to use, with panels and layers that keep everything organized, no matter how complex your data might be.

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7) Treo

Treo is a multi-layout WordPress theme that enables you to use multiple templates without making any major changes to the general structure of the template.

Being able to set different routes makes Treo very flexible as it allows having any kind of page design with coding. This is perfect for creating custom layouts or duplicating sections of a website for different parts of the world, languages, or product lines.

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8) Tailwind Starter Kit

If you’re looking for a simple way to get started with Tailwind CSS, look no further than the Tailwind Starter Kit! This easy-to-use product comes with everything you need to get up and running with this powerful utility, and it’s fully open-source so you can customize it to your heart’s content.

Plus, it doesn’t change or add any CSS to the code already present in Tailwind CSS.

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9) Topson

Tompson is the perfect starting point for your next web project. It’s a customizable, Responsive Web Template with Tailwind CSS that has been carefully crafted to look great on any device. With over 30 unique pages and components, Tompson is a versatile foundation for your next app dashboard, chat application or anything else you can imagine.

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10) Cleopatra

Cleopatra is a powerful admin dashboard built on top of Tailwind CSS, and available with multiple features and easy-to-use packs and configurations.

It’s perfect for your clients who need a quickstart solution for their business or for you to showcase your work as a web developer or designer.

  • MIT license
  • Browser compatibility
  • Big custom shortcode collection

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Written by Iqonic.Design

Providing world’s best digital products to innovators, brands & businesses & leading it to success. Get Set Go! Checkout our Themes on Themesforest too!

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