5 Features Of News App That Will Dominate In 2022 | Iqonic Design

4 min readJun 8, 2022


New apps are being released every day, but not all of them make it to the top. Out of the thousands of apps that are available in app stores, only a few come up as winners. There have been some big changes in UI and UX design trends this year, largely as a result of the growth of virtual and remote working cultures. But it’s safe to say that 2022 will bring even more dramatic shifts, so it’s important for UX/UI designers to stay informed.

Following and replicating strong UX design examples is essential for staying ahead of the curve.

So, as a developer, designer and creative you need a UI UX Design that is a Pre-made Application what separates the successful ones from the unsuccessful ones?

There are many factors that determine an app’s success. But, in this blog post, we will be discussing five features of news apps that will dominate in 2022.

Voice User Interface

Customers can use their voices to talk to software programs using Voice User Interface. This technology is used in a lot of different apps and devices, but it’s most well-known for being used to create virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. By 2025, it’s predicted that 75 percent of US households will have voice assistants, up from 50 percent in 2021. So more and more people are familiar with how Voice User Interface works, and businesses are increasingly incorporating it into their apps.


Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are important aspects of the user experience. They are quickly becoming the standard in the tech world, as they open up new worlds for consumers by allowing them to interact seamlessly with virtual settings. The B2B industry is no different, as the work-from-home dynamic has ensured that business will continue to run as usual. In fact, virtual reality office environments have emerged as a new trend.

Dark Mode

The dark mode is a critical part of UI design. The dark mode is already available on Google, Android, and iPhone devices. Dark backdrops — including blue light — have become popular in user experience design because they reduce eye damage and dryness. The dark background allures attention to the piece and gives it a unique and modish experience. Most applications presently provide the ability to switch to dark mode.


Mobile app development is more difficult with the mobile-first approach. Developers and UI/UI designers must start by designing for the smallest screen, and then move on to larger devices. This method encourages developers to focus more on the app’s content and usability. For example, they must take into an account screen size, bandwidth, visual design, and other factors when arranging app content.

Micro Interactions

Microinteractions are little design components that make user interfaces more engaging and interesting. They are simple animations that respond to users’ actions, making their interaction with the design smoother. For example, when people want to react to the news on Facebook, they can use emoticons or pull-to-refresh to update the page’s content.

Microinteractions are a vital part of UI/UX design, and they must be considered carefully by designers when creating apps. If they’re not, users may abandon the app for no reason. Microinteractions will continue to be important in web and mobile app UI/UX design over the next few years. Developers will need to find a smarter way to incorporate them into the apps people need.

Newz — Flutter 2.0 News and Blog App For WordPress

News and blogging have become very popular in the last few years, and the Flutter WordPress News App is designed to help you stay informed while on the go. The app has a uniquely designed user interface, as well as design blocks, UI elements, and more. It’s also compatible with Flutter 2.0 and includes 10+ beautiful screens. Plus, it saves you more than 350 hours of development time!

Newz — Flutter 2.0 News and Blog App for WordPress is an awesome Blog and News App for WordPress Site that includes cool color palette screens like Sign Up and Sign in with social media networks, Push Notification features which allow your users to get notified, WordPress backend to manage app content, and more!




Written by Iqonic.Design

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